Baby Step 3: Fully Funded Emergency Fund Update

So, all the hard work has finally paid off! We finally hit our magic number in our emergency fund and I made the transfer on 8/11/15 to finish it up! This is a very exciting moment since it means that we have  finally set a solid foundation by paying off all debt but our home mortgage and getting a 3-6 month emergency fund in place. We are now set up to focus on taking our extra money and begin investing it into long term growth. It has really been a long road for us to reach this milestone and took […]

The Quote That Changed My Financial Outlook

This has to be my absolutely favorite Dave Ramsey quote due to the fact that it’s what changed our family tree and took us from a negative net worth to a positive one and grows it for us every month as we go forward. Actually, there is a little more to the quote then this as well. Dave goes on to say, “Nothing happens without focus, so when you try to do six things at once, nothing seems to happen. You can’t get out of debt and fund retirement adequately and fund the emergency fund. When you attack one thing and […]

May 2015 – $65,904 – Net Worth Update (-$510.00)

Alright, here goes! My first real Budget Report/Net Worth Update!What HappenedThis month was a pretty good month overall, but I think with how the paychecks fell at the end of the month, our stats were showing a little skewed. We will see next month anyways. We got a good chunk of money put away into savings this month getting us all that much closer to our Fully Funded Emergency Fund of 6 months of expenses! Can’t wait to get that done so that we can start investing, saving for kid’s college and paying off the mortgage!Net Worth – May 2015AssetsHome […]