Characteristics of Debt-Free People I Try To Emulate6 min read

I would like to leave you with the outro that was in the article that inspired me to write this:

The bottom line? You have to be motivated and do something about it over time.

If you want to get out of debt, you can get out of debt—no matter how much money you owe. Even if you don’t think you’re particularly strong in all of these characteristics, you’ll be amazed at how your perception of “wants” and “needs” will change once you start the Baby Steps.

When you’re motivated, passionate and even a little angry, you’re more than willing to do whatever is needed to find financial peace. Everything else will take care of itself.

Are you ready to finally take control of your finances? Let my budgeting spreadsheets help!

Just fill out the form below and I'll send you the link to get the same exact budgeting spreadsheets that I use each month!

Included in the workbook:


  • Monthly budget form
  • Breakdown of savings form (for your sinking funds)
  • Overview of your financial plan

I've been using these same forms since August 2011 and have grown my family's net worth 500% tracking our money using these forms!

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Steven Goodwin

Owner/Blogger/Consultant at MyFamilyOnABudget
Steve Goodwin, a stay-at-home dad of two girls is passionate about finances and is helping others just like you get out of debt and build wealth handling money God's way. His goal is to inspire people like you to gain control of their finances by destroying debt and building wealth using their cash flow.
Posted in Finances, Paying Off Debt.


  1. This is such an insightful post Steven! What stood out to me was #4 Goal setting and #7 Making sacrifices. Having goals including a budget, sinking fuss, and an emergency fund is essential to a healthy financial lifestyle.

    “You have to be willing to give up to go up.”

    This is so true! Keep up the good work. Great post! Keep moving forward!
    Jonathan Key recently posted…Monthly Goal Setting: September 2015My Profile

  2. These are all great characteristics; one’s that my wife and I are trying to emulate as well. Number 7, Willing to make sacrifices, is a huge one for me. Having the courage to 1) make a plan/goal that your passionate about and 2) do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal is the definition of maturity in my mind (As long as the goal is noble, worthwhile and morally just). Great post!

  3. Awesome post…very insightful and informative. I especially enjoyed reading through all the characteristics that debt-free people exhibit. I feel in today’s world where allurements are present in every nook and corner, it is difficult to be non-materialistic. However, it is the best way to remain free from debt. I really appreciate your writings. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks Stacy! This means a lot coming from another financial blogger! Materialism in our society today is tuning out of control! We need to work harder to live within our means and not overspend. It’s all good to have nice stuff, but you don’t want that stuff to enslave you to your job and cut off your options you have available!

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