Welcome To MyFamilyOnABudget.com!
I'm so happy you dropped by here at my personal finance website. I try to write personal finance stories going through life with 2 girls. I aim to inspire, motivate, and educate while laughing along the way beating debt and building wealth.
Personal finance has been a passion of mine since my wife and I took Financial Peace University back in August 2011. You can read our entire story here. Since then, we've paid off all of our debt other than our home mortgage, totaling over $27,000 over 2 years. We've continued to work the FPU baby steps and now have a fully funded emergency fund as well as are actively investing.
This website aims to inspire you by sharing our net worth reports, motivate you by sharing different stories of people winning with money and educate you with informative personal finance articles that are easy to read and relate to with actionable content that you can put into place right away.
I hope that you will grab a cup of your favorite beverage, mine is coffee flavored with french vanilla creamer, and read and take action on the information that's being shared here! Hopefully, as you learn to get control of your finances as well, you will share your story to help motivate and inspire others as well. We are here to learn from one another and I can't wait to hear your input on any of our posts in the comments section of your favorite posts!
Need something to read? Check out our latest posts below!

March 2019 Net Worth Update – $155,092.82 (-$5,640.89)
March is the first time in 6 months that I’ve updated our net worth. Check out what we’ve been up to and how we’ve grown our money.

Preventative Maintenance, Bargain Hunting, and DIY: How to Cut Down on Household Repair Costs
As a homeowner, you take pride in your home and want to keep it clean and in good condition. Hiring professionals to handle your home repairs is necessary from time to time, but that can also get expensive. So here are some money-saving tips for homeowners who want to be more proactive in keeping up with those jobs around the house. And since there are many parallels between home maintenance and car maintenance, you’ll get some bonus tips on how to apply these ideas to your vehicle as well. Fix Problems ASAP The first thing every homeowner – and car […]

September 2018 Net Worth Update – $160,733.71 (+$21,286.78)
September was a stellar month with a very big gain for us overall. Check out how we did it inside!

August 2018 Net Worth Update – $139,446.93 (+$3,690.43)
Another big up month this month, led mainly by our investments. But, in reality, our growth is driven by continuing to live on less than we make and saving and giving the rest.