The average household with any kind of debt owes $137,063, including mortgages. - NerdWallet
That is a scary statistic, when you think about it in contrast to the amount that we save (3.8% as of June 2017).
Getting out of debt can seem like a pipe dream to some.
Until you've gone through the process, it can feel overwhelming and impossible to overcome. It doesn't have to be. With a plan, you can start focusing your finances and getting out of debt and building wealth.
When you choose to get out of debt, you are giving yourself and your family the option to say yes to so much more.
My wife and I paid off over $27,000 in student loans in 2 years.
We have remained debt free (other than our home mortgage) since 2013. Although we got out of debt, it did take some sacrifice. It wasn't easy, but it was so worth it. We got on a plan, focused on making debt our target, created a budget and stayed with the plan. There were some times during our 2 years that we went slower, had setbacks, or just plain took a break. But, overall, we stayed at it and that's why we are debt free other than our mortgage, have an emergency fund and are building wealth faster than we ever have before.
We aren't the only ones who've gotten out of debt either.
It's become an amazing phenomenon, people telling their stories about how they've eliminated their debt and have been changing their ways. When we were getting out of debt, these stories really resonated with us in that, they helped inspire, motivate and challenge us to spur ourselves on to become debt free as well. I have collaborated with many people here that have agreed to share their debt freedom story in order to help motivate others. After reading their story, be sure to visit their sites to learn more about them.
If you have a debt free story to share, please scroll down to the bottom and fill out the form so we can talk about how to get your story out and helping others!
Check out some of the stories below and find one that your resonate with.

Our Story of Working the Baby Steps Since May 2011
My wife and I have paid off over $27,000 in student loan debt in just 2 years. This is our story of how we got on a plan and started building wealth.

How My Upbringing was the Catalyst for Learning to Manage Money
Learning to manage money can come from many different places. Read Cody’s story about how his upbringing helped him to learn to handle money better.

What Does Your Family Financial Success Story Look Like?
With all the different financial goals floating around, it can be hard to get on track and get started. I get a chance to share our family financial success story with Elle Martinez from the Couple Money podcast and give you some tips on how to make your success story happen.

How We’ve Paid Off $20,000 of Student Loan Debt in the Last 14 Months
Matt & his wife have been getting gazelle intense about paying off student loans. Check out the strategies they’re using to eliminate their debt so quickly.

Disaster Averted (my debt free journey)
My debt free journey was almost a complete train wreck. Staying focused on the task in front of you is the key to successfully getting out of debt.

How in 2.5 Years Anna Paid off $37,000 in Debt and Still Saved $25,000 – You Can Too!
Anna shares her success story about paying off credit card & student loan debt. Read her story here and then check out her tips on how you can do it too!

How Paying Off the Mortgage In 7.5 Years Changed My Outlook
Rob from Mustard Seed Money shares his story of paying off his mortgage in 7.5 years to become debt-free. Read how he was able to achieve this and how you can move towards a debt-free lifestyle as well!

How We Paid Off Over 60K in Student Loans in Just Two Years
Josh shares his story about paying off all their student loans to become debt free within 2 years while sharing tips that contributed to their success along the way.