Next time you renew your auto or homeowners insurance, use these tips to save more money on your next policy. We were able to save $350 by shopping around.
Category Archives: Insurance
How To Stay Focused On Your Goals When Disaster Or Impulse Strikes
Staying focused on financial goals during emergencies or impulse decisions can be hard. Check out these ideas to help you cope better next time it happens.
Things I’ve Given Up to Save Money
Cutting costs to some simple things in your life can really help save money in the long run. Check out these simple things I’ve given up to save money.
6 Things to Think About When Getting a Pay Raise
So, you’ve been working hard to earn more income, you have been putting in the overtime and making yourself as productive and useful as possible. The boss finally realizes that you are worth more at your job and decides to give you a raise. Yay! What do you do with the extra money you are making? I think this question has a lot to do with where you are at in your path to financial freedom. If you still have debt and are still working to pay it off, then your choice is easy, just apply the extra to your […]