Reward credit cards can be enticing with their “cash back” offers. But are they worth switching to? Take a look at these pros and cons to help you make your decision.
Category Archives: Credit Cards
We Finally Closed Our Credit Card Accounts
So, Sunday morning I was hustling around and trying to get as much done before having to head out to church, taking advantage of my wife and kids being gone (they slept over at grandma’s house). It’s amazing the things you can get done when you are distraction free lol. Anyways, we have been going through Financial Peace University, and last week, we had the “Dumping Debt” lesson. Now, Jenni and I have been debt free, other than our house, since June 2013. But, for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to actually close our two credit card accounts because […]
The Many Customer Types You Meet In Retail
Working in a customer facing environment where you are taking people’s money while conversing with them, you get to meet all kinds of people. This past week has really opened my eyes to all the different people out there that are really having some struggles, whether self inflicted or just going through a rough patch, or just starting out.