Your Questions Answered by facebook messenger or email
questions about my journey
Help you with goals you want to set
basic jobs – $10
I will look over your budget with you in detail and offer my advice based on my budgeting experience. This will generally be a 30 minute session. Can be over Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, face to face if local.
Budgeting Template – $25
Share my budget template in Google Sheets so that you can create your budget with my spreadsheet that I’ve been using since 2008. I have used this budgeting template to pay off over $27,000 in student loans and to build up my emergency fund. I use this template to set goals to work towards and to create my zero based budget each month.
More Help – $25/month with a 3 month commitment
Create a personalized budget for you for each month using the budgeting template.
Help you set your budget up in or
Give you my budgeting advice on how to take your next step
Business Services – $100/month with a 12 month contract
I will create a budget for your business
Set goals on where you want to head over the next year
Have a monthly transaction log categorized for you to hand over to your Tax Pro
Keep you accountable on your budget
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