Ah, the good old question of whether to keep a little bit of money tucked away into the main checking account. This seems to come up quite often with people just starting out making their budgets and starting to tell their money what to do. I thought it would be a great time to dive in and explain what a checking account buffer is, advantages and disadvantages to having it, and finally, what my family do in regards to this ourselves. If you have never created a budget yourself or need help, please check out this great guide I’ve put […]
Tag Archives: zero based budget
How To Make a Budget In 3 Easy Steps
Creating a budget can be a very empowering or scary experience to some people. Too some people, they don’t want that monster to come out of the closet and tell them exactly what they are spending each month. To others, it gives a sense of control where they feel they really are telling their money where to go and giving every dollar a name and a place to march off to with a set of orders. If you’ve ever had a hard time creating a budget, you’ve come to the right place! I have laid out in 3 easy to […]